Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Wooden Sky

If there's one reason I like the Internet, it's people. If there are two, it is people and their music.

With websites such as Blogger, LiveJournal, Myspace and Facebook there's plenty of social networking going on. What I like most about this networking is the fact I can go to various LiveJournal communities and browse what people are offering to give me in terms of music. One community, Fanmix, has been quite reliable in giving me good music themed to a particular show, book, movie, whatever. I downloaded a LOST fanmix a few days ago and the girl who had made it had a song on it called "The Wooden Sky" by a band called The Wooden Sky. The song was beautiful and amazing and I can't stop listening to it.

So I looked up the band on Youtube and there were a few live performances recorded from MTV or something. So I listened to them, loved them, put them into mp3 format and dropped them onto my iPod. And the four songs I have by The Wooden Sky are now on repeat all day long.

The music is raw and real and passionate. The songs have familiar key tonality (thanks for the term, Pandora!) and the singer is basically amazing. I am eager to obtain the funds to buy their CD, When Lost at Sea, which came out just this month.

They also have a song called "North Dakota" which is basically Chuck Klosterman's life in a song. And the singer guy looks a little, tiny, eensy-weensy bit like CK. So that's funny.

Now enjoy a song:


michael said...

I love them now too, thanks to you. And like you, last night I got those live songs off of youtube. great minds think alike (even though you were the one I should credit with both the band and the ability to make youtube videos into mp3)

Kristine said...

ha ha... that's right, sir!
i am glad you like them.
and i will burn that patd cd asap.

. said...

if there's one reason i love the internet is that i get to imagine what a sexy beast you must be in real life : P
(now that I've had my carzy stalkerish moment) seriously though... HAPPY BDAY YOU AMAZING BLOGGER
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