Wednesday, May 7, 2008

7 Year Old... In an SUV?!

... this is so wrong.





I don't understand. This kid isn't even sorry. He's like, "It's fun to drive cars and 'do hoodrat stuff'." And he has a seven year old friend who smokes CIGARETTES?!?!

What is it that has gone horribly wrong in our world today that a seven year old can get cigarettes or drive an SUV without people noticing? I mean, I've got a seven year old brother and all he cares about it playing the PS3 and acing his spelling test and playing with his friends after school. How is it that someone the same age can have the brain capacity to even IMAGINE stealing a car? And then not show any signs of any sort of remorse?

I bet this kid is going to grow up and be a complete delinquient. I mean... when a kid is this young and is already getting into heavy crimes like this, what do you think he's going to be doing five... ten years from now? This is horrible. Usually, people only have delusions of grandeur if they are schizophrenic or bipolar. This kid just has no boundaries to his active imagination, apparently.

And for this, he'll probably hunt me down and do some "hoodrat stuff" to me.

Give me a break.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Three Songs I Love

Right now, things are incredibly stressful. With all the various tests, exams and assignments I have from school, prom, and personal events that I have coming up, I hardly have time to root myself in anything for more than fifteen minutes of concentration. This includes my blog, my AP Lang essay, my AP Bio lab report and TV shows.

Thankfully, my favorite songs aren't over fifteen minutes long because then I'd be in serious trouble. Three songs I've been listening to obsessively to keep myself "in the zone" I will now dissect for you here in my blog.

1. "Plane" by Jason Mraz
This song is really mellow at the beginning with a minor key tonality and pretty piano key tinkling. The lyrics are comprehensible and are, at times, clever. Jason manages to keep himself almost monotone through the first part of the song before the strings cut in and he lets go... a little. However, in the next part of the song, there is a controlled intensity in the music as well as in his vocals. Then it calms down again only to close with a crescendo of cathartic emotion.
Listen here

2. "Mad World" by Gary Jules
This song has been on my mind since I saw in the last scenes from the movie Donnie Darko (which is beyond amazing). The lyrics are flowing and so is the music and vocals and basically every aspect of this song. It's easy to sing along to, without much of a range of notes to be had, and it moves so seamlessly from verse to chorus to verse that by the time the song is over you can hardly remember what exactly you just heard. So you listen to it again. And again.
Listen here

3. "If I Was a House" by Beasts and Superbeasts
I've already dissected this song enough with my last post so I'll just summarize my feelings here. This song is amazing. I like to think of it as three parts that all fall together in a puzzle pieces way that makes it fantastic. It is all at once whimsical, emotional and magical. I listen to this song over and over trying to hear each and every detail of the dual vocals and the unique sound of each instrument present in the song.
Listen here

These three songs have kept me fueled throughout a long and grueling batch of homework that seems to grow and grow like a Chia Pet without any reprieve in sight. Hopefully, they can last me until the end of the school year. I'll cross my fingers.