Thursday, August 7, 2008

Breaking Dawn (Stephanie Meyer)

So I read Breaking Dawn and got done with it yesterday. Yeah, yeah, it took a while since I got it at 12:10 AM on August 2. But still!

Basically, it was good. It was a little long, a little slow and a little unexpected. I could not, in a million years, have predicted what happened at the end of the book. I was floored by the first 150 to 200 pages.

As far as final books of a saga go, it was pretty good. It wrapped up basically every loose end I could think of and I was pretty happy. I'm looking forward to Meyer's next book, which will be the first book of the series, Twilight, in Edward's point of view.

If anyone else read the book, tell me what you think. I can't say too much yet, since people haven't finished it yet and I don't want to let out any spoilers. :D