Thursday, June 12, 2008

This weather is crazy!

We here in Eastern Iowa have been having the worst weather this year. We had a horrible winter, barely any spring and now for the summer hardly any reprieve from rain and storms. It's insane.

Right now, the Cedar River, which runs through our downtown, is at 29.5 feet. The flood level of the river is only 12 feet. It is supposed to crest tonight/early this morning at 32-33 feet. It's crazy. There's massive amounts of water everywhere. It's the only thing on TV and the news.

There is water coming up to and over the railings of bridges that are usually towering above the river. There is water half-way up buildings downtown, such as the library. There is water coming up to the top of parking meters and street signs. It is really weird to see parts of my city on TV that are covered in water that I see normally completely dry. I can't even explain it.

I watched the CBS Evening News and two of the top stories were from Iowa. One was the flooding and the other was the massive tornado that went through a Boy Scout camp in Little Sioux (I think that's the town...?) which killed 4 boys and injured 48. It was horrible.

New York Times: Tornado Kills 4 in Iowa Boy Scout Camp
Cedar Rapids struggles to endure historic flood

I didn't take any of these pictures. I got them all from the Gazette.

On the right is our City Hall, which is on an island. There should be bridges connecting the left and right sides of the picture.

I was watching the news, and there was a FISH swimming around on First Avenue. There's that much water. It's crazy. Luckily I'm not getting any water in my house at all. The street is like a river when it rains (because when it rains, it pours) but it's draining unlike many other places around in my city.

(Hopes and wishes to those who are being evacuated and flooded out of their homes.)

1 comment:

. said...

is jealous
our basement flooded damn it all
thus the computer has been moved into my room meaning i now am harboring a computer and a laptop in my room at the same exact time.
it makes my room about ten million times hotter

and now we have to recarpet because the pink carpet that was formerly my basement is now moldy and white
:( bleh
love always
your favorite and most devoted numero uno fan

(ps, write more to CAROLINE) <-i am being patient :)