Saturday, June 28, 2008

Snuff (Chuck Palahniuk)

Last week, I began and finished the book Snuff, by one of my favorite authors Chuck Palahniuk. I haven't read anything by Mr. P for quite a while, waiting for Rant to come out in paperback. But my friend bought his newest book in hardcover and she read it in just a few days and she surprise-loaned it to me.

It took me a few days to actually get around to reading more than 20 pages at once. I'd been trying to read outside because it's summer but there are tons of gnats in my yard. So it was just disgusting. But once I sat down on my couch and dedicated myself to the book, I read over half of it at one time.

Granted, the book has a few flaws. Firstly, there is a lot of (semi- and totally graphic) talk about sex and sexual things. I would not recommend this book to anyone who is not... open-minded, to say the least. Secondly, there are 4 narrators. I had a hard time telling the 3 males apart because Chuck P didn't really distinguish the narratives a lot. They all stayed in his usual style.

The book is basically about porn. And a woman, Cassie Wright, accomplished porn star, wanting to break the record of number of men to have sex with in one... porn shoot? IDK. They go in to the room in groups of 3 and there are 600 of them. But there are all sorts of twists and turns and surprises that make it hard to put down, even though you are constantly checking to make sure no one is reading the dirty words in the book over your shoulder.

Overall, I'd give the book 3.5 stars out of 5. If anyone but Chuck Palahniuk had tried to write this book, it'd be a train wreck. But with the Chuck P name on it, it's a train wreck in the best of ways.

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