Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Super High Me

There is a movie, coming out just in time for 420, called Super High Me. It is being made by High Time's Stoner of the Year, Doug Benson. I have a very strong urge to see this movie. It's a spoof off Super Size Me, in which that guy ate only Fast Food for 30 days. Instead, Benson is smoking pot and being high all day, every day, for 30 days.

Now, despite the illegality of marijuana and the obvious health side effects, I think this movie (or would it be a documentary...?) is going to be a joy to watch. Doug Benson is a pretty funny guy, being a professional comedian and all. I'm wondering, however, how much of the film is going to be humorous filler and pot-talk and how much will be professionals talking and (boring) factoids we have probably learned through our school's drug education program. Given that this is sort of a parody documentary, I am pretty sure that it will be mostly bullshit the whole way through. We'll see, however.

The movie is doing "grassroots screenings" all over the country on 420 but I can't find a REAL release date. You have to be 18 in order to organize a screening and get a (free!) DVD sent to your house. Which is a shame. Because I'd totally love to see it ASAP because I could do with a good laugh - especially this weekend, after the heavy homework load this week has bestowed upon me.

But here is a trailer, as I always post videos. Tell me what you think.

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