Thursday, March 6, 2008

Research topics

+Holocaust denial
+Drug addiction (look here or here)
+Haunted houses (see here?)

I am really torn between the second topic and the third topic. The Holocaust might be too depressing and I'd probably be really frustrated with all the deny-ers. And drug addiction is a fascinating topic, despite the fact it's not exactly the prettiest topic to research. And haunted houses would just be really fun and interesting. So I don't know.


. said...

i think you should research haunted hosues, and then it'll give us an excuse to go down to anamosa or someplace (i forgot where, I'm pretty sure it starts with an A though), and see if we can see any ghosts!!!

Dyskrasia said...

Yay for drug addiction? I really hate hunated houses, so I wouldn't do that. Plus, all the hooplah around that is kind of silly.

I would probably do the drug addiction once since it's more of a topical effect for the "highschool age" :P

My two cents.

michael said...

do it.
actually, haunted houses would be really cool too. That'd be cool.