Tuesday, March 4, 2008

O, Vampire Novel (where art thou?)

So I'm a total fan of vampire novels. I first got into the whole vampire literature scene in seventh grade when, at a state National History Day competition, I wandered into a used bookstore and was compelled to buy a $2 copy of Interview with a Vampire (by the legendary Anne Rice). I've now read that book five times since that spring five years ago.

The summer before freshman year, I found the book Sunshine by Robin McKinley. I immediately fell in love with the novel. I went out and bought myself a copy and have since read it four times by now. It was a new twist on vampire stories and I loved it.

I've also read some little-known vampire novels as well as the famous Twilight series. Needless to say, I've loved (nearly) all of them. I'm a sucker for the suckers, so to speak.

But I can't seem to find any really good vampire novels anymore. I'm anxiously waiting the fourth installment by Stephenie Meyers for her Twilight series but I've given up on Anne Rice (I read up to her sixth Vampire Chronicles novel, "The Vampire Armand" but I found there was too much sex between men and sex with minors for my taste...) and Robin McKinley doesn't show any signs of extending the story of Sunshine and Constantine (though I desperately wish she would). I could check out the classics, such as Dracula but I want to read a fresh twist or a fresh face or a fresh novel. I'm too lazy to carve my way through nineteenth century literature (that's for next year... in AP Literature).

Yet as much as I've read up on my vampire lit, I still can't solidify my own vampire writing style. I'd love to write a vampire story - whether a short story or more of a novel-length - but I can't seem to start it, make it realistic or keep my interest going. All my vampire stories are dark(ish), romantic(ish) and shallow-sounding. So I need someone who can manage to make a fantastic novel featuring vampires in some way. Preferablly Neil Gaiman... because he's amazing... but I am sure anyone could do it.

And David Archuleta (on American Idol) is fantasic and amazing!

By the way: I hate the stupid url-html system on Blogger. I want to type in my OWN html links, but it won't let me. I have to do its dumb links instead. It's frustration-making.


. said...

dear miss sitara
i like how you go from books to american idol
it made me smile, though I do agree that David is quite the smashing hit
fair thee a goodnight
i l y

Keely said...

Indeed. The first Interview with a Vampire was really good, but it seems like they get more sexual with less actually good content as the series go on...

Keep holding on for a new good one!