Friday, March 20, 2009

Sophie Scholl - Die Letzen Tage

We just finished this movie in German class today.

It was really good. I love history, WWII, Nazi Germany history and anything related to any of those things so it was great. And it was a good human story as well as a good thinking-philosophically story. I would highly recommend this to anyone. It is in German but there are English subtitles. I think it is good to watch it in German, even if I didn't understand 98% of it, because it really was like, "Wow. These people actually had to stand there, having words sounding like THIS spat at them." It was mostly just interrogation and reflection but the part with the judge in the courtroom and the parts following were way more dramatic and far more emotional.

It was a fantastic movie. And the soundtrack was sometimes ill-fitting but still very good. I just can't get over how much I wish I had a copy of this film.

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