Thursday, May 22, 2008

AP Psych video links

We Like Psychology
--A clever song about various and some very RANDOM aspects of psychology.
Psych School Musical Parts 1-7
--Tons of great, catchy songs to help you remember related terms of psychology.
Psychology Tutorials and Demonstrations
--Helpful demonstrations of informative experiments to help students remember lessons of more technical aspects of the chapters.

Chapter 3: Nature and Nurture of Behavior
Nature versus Nurture
--A really short, animated cartoon about nature and nuture.
nature vs. nurture
--An informed look at the nature vs nurture debate.
The Science of Sexual Orientation; CBS News
-Interesting video about a study of twins that develop difference gender identities and sexual orientations, which fuels the nature vs nurture debate.

Chapter 7: States of Consciousness
Sleep Disorders
--Homemade psychology video about 4-5 different sleep disorders.
--Vague video about the effects of various consciousness-altering drugs.
Dream Symbols
--Fun site for the "decoding" of dreams.
Dreams and Consciousness Links
--Links to various dream sites - where I found the Symbols page.

Chapter 8: Learning
Classical Conditioning
--Good animated, voiced-over video that gives the basics on classical conditioning.
Skinner box
--A recorded example of a Skinner box
Bobo Doll experiment
--Video of the Bobo Doll experiment

Chapter 10: Thinking and Language
Language - Psychology
--Homemade demonstrations of thinking with and without language
Psychology and Language
--Can animals think? Gorilla matches nonsense symbols to words!
Miley Cyrus, JabbawockeeZ and Psychology
--Entertaining video (without the first minute or so) about thinking/expressing thoughts without words.
Prototypes and Heuristics - Psych School Musical (Part 1)
--Fun video set to a High School Musical song that discusses prototypes and heuristics.

Chapter 12: Motivation
Aspects of Motivation in Office Space - Psych 4024
--Fun video giving examples of motivation from the movie "Office Space."
Psych Project - Motivation and Gender Roles
--Analyzes commercials to find the gender roles as well as motivational parts of psychology buried within them.
Maslow's Pyramid
--Homemade video showing the layers of Maslow's Pyramid (heirarchy of needs).

Chapter 14: Personality
Cluster A personality disorders in "The Wizard of Oz"
--Fun, memorable video showing various personality disorders through characters in the Wizard of Oz

Chapter 16: Therapy
Anxiety Treatment: Psychotherapy
--A video demonstrating one type of therapy, best suited for one of the most common disorders: anxiety.

Chapter 18: Social Psychology
social psychology project
--Social psychology demonstrated by strangers' reactions to a "madwoman" roaming the streets.
Social Psychology - Psych School Musical (Part 7)
--Another memorable Psych School Musical production, this time the song is from the Little Mermaid.
Social Psychology Experiment
--How many people will switch doors when the see the "Men" and "Women" signs on the door to a school building?


Keely said...

Yeah, it is surprisingly difficult to find AP Psych related videos and such.

Btw, sometime we'll have to get together and write our report thing.

. said...

i am not in AP Psych
I watch the show Psych on ABC though
so maybe you can still hang out with me?